Wednesday 8 August 2007

Summer Evening Tours of the Armagh Observatory Grounds, Astropark and Human Orrery

Dr Miruna Popescu and Armagh Observatory PhD students and others are providing, on an experimental basis, a programme of evening guided tours of the Observatory Grounds and Astropark during July and
August 2007. The next events will take place on Tuesday 14th August and Tuesday 28th August. Those who wish to participate in these tours should meet Miruna and the other Tour Guides at the main Armstrong School entrance to the Observatory Drive, beside the Courthouse, shortly before 7.00 pm when the tour begins.
Car parking is available outside the Observatory main building on in the car park halfway up the Observatory Drive. The Tour on Tuesday 28th August will include an illustrated public talk on the Sun, given in the Observatory Library, by Miruna Popescu, as well as a general question-and-answer session on astronomy.
These events are held as part of the summer programme in conjunction with other members of the Armagh Visitor Education Committee (AVEC), and as part of the Observatory’s contribution to the International
Heliophysical Year 2007/2008 (IHY2007/2008).

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